Star Trek LCARS Android Theme

LCARS is a computer operating system in the Star Trek fictional universe, and an acronym for Library Computer Access/Retrieval System. It’s mostly known for the style of the computer displays, especially the ones in the The Next Generation and Voyager series.

The LCARS graphical user interface was designed by Michael Okuda, and influenced by Gene Roddenberry. In homage to its creator, the visual style has come to be known among fans as ‘okudagrams.’

I’ve found this great LCARS Android theme in the Google Play Store. It’s called RENEGADES – LCARS, and it’s totally free! There are no ads, notifications, or registration, the only catch is that the theme requires a launcher app called Total Launcher, which is not a big deal, in my opinion.

Below, you can find two screenshots of how it looks on my phone. It works nearly perfect on my Sony Xperia C3. I haven’t used all the features yet, but I already noticed that it’s highly customizable. It’s free and pretty cool, so why not give it a try?

RENEGADES – LCARS Android theme.

Screenshot_2016-01-21-05-29-16    Screenshot_2016-01-21-05-29-25
