Some Of My Theories

In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single interwoven continuum, which, in my opinion, doesn’t exist. We all live in this one universe, where things are happening, and there’s no time. Time is something we’ve invented, and only exists as events that are quantified by clocks to measure the duration of the events.

Time dilation should be changed into the processing speed of the universe. You might be going faster, but you’re also slowing down. The faster you go, the less you age, and everything moves at a slower pace, even clocks. At the speed of light, you would probably stand still. This is because of the processing speed of the universe.

Dark energy and dark matter don’t exist. The reason why we’re seeing gravity in the universe behave like this is because there’s simply more matter, but we can’t see it.

Dimensions don’t exist, something only has a particular volume.
