Funny & Touching Star Trek & Star Wars Charity Videos

Here’s my personal selection of funny and touching Star Trek and Star Wars charity videos. This particular charity’s called Omaze, and deals with the influencers, brands, and personalities that use their reach for good.

The videos are amazing to watch, and show the actors in a somewhat different light. Present day Spock, Zachary John Quinto, and the rest of his cast, even pay tribute to Leonard Simon Nimoy, the actor who originated the role of Spock in the Star Trek science fiction media franchise. Also, the late actor Anton Viktorovich Yelchin is seen in the videos. It’s a wonderful thing to support Omaze, if most of the proceeds go towards charity.

Star Trek videos

Leonard Nimoy: A Dedication from the Cast & Crew of Star Trek Beyond

Simon Pegg & Anton Yelchin want to beam you into Star Trek Beyond // Omaze

Star Trek director scares producer with explosion

Simon Pegg shares outtakes from the set of Star Trek Beyond // Omaze

Star Wars videos

Mark Hamill Goes Undercover as a Stormtrooper on Hollywood Blvd

Harrison Ford Surprises Star Wars Fans with Big News… for Charity

Mark Hamill Pranks Star Wars Fans with Epic Surprise for Force For Change

John Boyega Pranks Star Wars Fans with Surprise Photobomb at Celebration | Force For Change
