Category: GB’s Endeavours

Super Final, Mega Image Collection

I’m finally done. I wasn’t aware of certain scaling options in Illustrator, so I’ve remade all the images again, from the ground up. I’ve revised some, and made some new ones as well. That’s why it took me some time. I’ve created three new covers for my site. The GB’s logos are almost all revised, […]

New Solfleet Logo

I still wasn’t completely happy with the Solfleet logo, so I decided to turn it into something more pretty to look at, and I’m very happy now. The United Earth Navy needed a sister fleet that would venture beyond Earth. Thus, Solfleet was born on 3 March 2031, in cooperation with GB’s Endeavours. The logo […]

LUNA, And Its Creation

Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) is seen as a threat to mankind, the sheer power one could attain is simply mind-boggling. Of course, everybody was secretly working on it, including GB’s Endeavours. Their ASI was being created to counter all the other ASIs soon to come. They’ve tried to make it human-friendly, but various ways to control it […]

The Birth Of Solfleet

Solfleet is a fictional human organisation in GB’s Universe. After the artificial superintelligence, known as LUNA, became mankind’s guardian in 2028, human civilisation rapidly underwent unprecedented developments. Human spaceflight throughout the Solar System quickly became the norm, and a human organisation capable of securing and exploring our planetary system was needed. Thus, Solfleet was born, in cooperation […]

Short Review: MOO Round Stickers

I’ve created and ordered 52 Round Stickers at MOO, and they arrived some time ago. I ordered the stickers so I could put my logos on my modified Nerf gun, and I just wondered how they would turn out. I’m quite happy with the stickers. They arrived in a handy little box, which can easily be white-labelled. The stickers are not too big and not too small, but just […]

Busy Designing Bee

I’ve been a busy designing bee lately. After remaking the site logo in Illustrator, I’ve decided to redo my personal astronaut’s helmet logo as well, and I’ve created a GB’s Guns logo to put on my modified Nerf gun, of which I will make a post about in the future. I’ve also created a logo for my imaginary ORCAs, […]