Category: Video Games

P.T. On PC

On 12 August 2014, P.T., short for playable teaser, was released as a free download for the PlayStation 4. The demo was enthusiastically received, and was truly frightening. It served as an interactive teaser for the game Silent Hills, which would have been the tenth instalment in the Silent Hill series. P.T. gameplay. Silent Hill is a Japanese horror franchise created by Keiichiro Toyama, […]

Photorealistic Graphics Are Coming

If you think photorealistic graphics are still a decade away, think again. Euclideon, an Australian software company, has created a graphics engine called Unlimited Detail. It looks groundbreaking. The following video provides an explanation of how the engine works. The following video provides a representation of how the graphics can look.

StarCraft Vs. StarCraft II

I still remember when I first started StarCraft and watched the intro movie. It was so epic, my head almost exploded. The game was truly amazing. The dark atmosphere, the designs of everything, and the cinematics. It was an epic gaming moment in my life. That was almost 17 years ago, and StarCraft II released […]