GB’s Iced Green Tea Latte

I’ve made my own iced green tea latte the day before yesterday, and it was fun. The idea was to make it healthy and delicious. I wanted to make it with real matcha, so I tried two different brands. First up was the left one, Makotoen. On the front, it said the ingredients were green […]

Two New Flags

I’ve made two new flags. The flags look fine, but the main thing is that they look recognisable, and have somewhat of a purpose. The grey waning crescent Moon has a blue planet below, signifying Earth, and blue borders. GB’s flag of the Moon. Everything has a funny and cool shade of red, and Mars […]

Some Of My Theories

In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single interwoven continuum, which, in my opinion, doesn’t exist. We all live in this one universe, where things are happening, and there’s no time. Time is something we’ve invented, and only exists as events that are quantified by clocks to measure the duration of the events. […]

Almost Done

You know, it’s been taking too long for me to be done with it all. I would’ve been done already, were it not that I got lots of super brain cells or something. Instead of one month, what the doctor said, it’s taken me two and a half months and counting. Truly great. Being drugged […]


So, you must be wondering what I’ve been doing lately. Well, let me tell you. I’ve gone through one of the most horrible things ever. Me and a friend were walking on the footbridge near school when we saw two people coming straight for us from the other side. They were falang, which means white people. I could see […]

The Birth Of Solfleet

Solfleet is a fictional human organisation in GB’s Universe. After the artificial superintelligence, known as LUNA, became mankind’s guardian in 2028, human civilisation rapidly underwent unprecedented developments. Human spaceflight throughout the Solar System quickly became the norm, and a human organisation capable of securing and exploring our planetary system was needed. Thus, Solfleet was born, in cooperation […]

Business Card Comparison

I’ve received my revised business cards some time ago, and I’m very happy with how they turned out. The design totally works out, and although it’s not as flashy as the last design, it’s neater and doesn’t have the same cutting tolerance issues. However, when I ordered 100 Original Business Cards at MOO, I only received […]

The Flow Of Magnetism

Ferrofluid sculptures are amazing to look at. When you first see one, you might almost think it’s some kind of dark magic, or that it came from another planet, but it actually works because of magnetism. Ferrofluid Sculpture Tip: I like the music in the video. It’s made by The Thrillseekers and is called Synaesthesia. A ferrofluid is a colloidal liquid filled […]

Business Card Revised

The 50 Original Business Cards that I made at MOO about half a year ago are already gone. I never thought it would go so fast, and I ran out some time ago already, so I’ve chosen to order 100 Original Business Cards there this time. I’ve revised the card’s designs, and removed all the borders. I hope, with all the […]